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Zero Waste Maui strives to activate and engage our community members to achieve a more sustainable future. We have complied the following resources to "demystify" zero waste and connect you to local initiatives.

Zero Waste Maui strives to activate and engage our community members to achieve a more sustainable future. We have complied the following resources to "demystify" zero waste and connect you to local initiatives.

Variety of Bags

Plastic Alternatives

Find affordable and sustainable alternatives to single-use items likes bags and styrofoam.

Recycling Bottles

What is "Zero Waste?"

Think zero waste isn't for you? Think again!



Be informed on local plastic and waste reduction policies.


Maui County Recycling

Know what, when, where, and how to recycle in Maui County.


Beach Cleanups

Join a beach cleanup and help keep our coastline clean.


Local Food & Produce

Supporting local food or growing your own is a great way to reduce waste.


Local Initiatives

Learn more about local waste reduction initiatives.



Composting is an easy way to reduce your waste while improving your garden soil.

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